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Writer's pictureAdam Atkins

8 Reasons To Start Learning An Instrument

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

Playing a musical instrument is an exciting and interesting hobby which has many physical, emotional and psychological benefits for children and adults! If you already play, I hope this will motivate you to practice, and if you don't, here are 8 reasons you should take up an instrument this year…

Improves your social skills

Playing an instrument is great for expanding your social circle… even if you want to play an instrument considered “unsociable” such as piano! We offer group lessons here at Anthem, for piano and many more instruments! You can even join a band and play with fellow students at concerts we hold across the year.

Having group lessons allows you to meet like minded people of a similar age from different backgrounds. It encourages your little rock star to understand the importance of teamwork, and helps them to develop kindness and consideration towards others in the group.

Music lessons aren’t just for children though, they can help teenagers find their tribe, and adults to develop close friendships, thus improving social skills and helping to create a sense of belonging. Having strong social skills is attractive to potential employers and leads to increased happiness and better quality of life.

Increases intelligence

There are many studies which show a correlation between playing an instrument and academic success.Taking up an instrument stimulates the brain, improving functions like memory, abstract reasoning, logic and verbal-linguistic skills which are essential for core subjects such as; English, Maths and Science. It also strengthens visual, auditory and motor skills. Plus, IQ levels can also increase by up to seven points among people who play an instrument.

World renowned genius Albert Einstein played the piano and violin. He attributed his scientific insight and intuition mainly to music, he declared: “Life without playing music is inconceivable to me. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music… I get most joy in life out of music”. While we can’t all be mini Einsteins, it’s difficult to ignore the research that demonstrates the lifelong cognitive advantages of playing an instrument.

Helps relieve stress

Stressful day?! Take it out on the drums! Alternatively, listen to, or play some soothing classical music to relax! Studies show that music can lower heart rate and blood pressure, decreasing cortisol levels (stress hormones) in the body. Another study reveals that music therapy has been useful in treating people with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. It has also helped children with ADHD to focus more, and people with Autism to help identify and communicate their emotions.

Doing something musical can help you forget any problems and negative thoughts you might have had that day. It allows you to express your feelings while playing, singing or writing a piece of music. Learning to play an instrument also brings with it comfort and daily repetition, which in turn lowers stress.

Boosts confidence and sense of achievement

When you learn an instrument you do have to play in front of people, whether that be teachers, parents, friends, other pupils and maybe even audiences. The confidence it takes to perform your work, and the ability to keep cool, calm and collected while others watch can assist you in daily life or typically stressful situations. For example: doing exams, assessments and public speaking. As with anything, the more you practice, overcome problems and expand your musical knowledge the more confident and comfortable you become in yourself and when playing your instrument. There’s also the fact that rocking out on stage and showcasing your talent looks pretty cool and is likely to increase your street cred!

Enhances Creativity

At its core, music is art! When you make music, it is open to interpretation of how it should be played, despite notes from teachers or composers. They cannot fully express how a piece of music should be performed. It’s up to the musician to put their own stamp on a piece and inject some personality and emotion into the performance. This is a form of creativity and a healthy and original way to express yourself.

Improves Memory

Do you have the memory of a sieve? Playing a musical instrument can help! It’s been widely studied and proven that learning an instrument, or even listening to music strengthens cognitive and muscle memory. Playing an instrument is like a full body workout for your brain as it uses every part! It also reduces the risk of intellectual decline and memory loss in later life. Scientists have even used music training as a method of neuro-rehabilitation, which is a program designed for people with diseases, injury, or disorders of the nervous system to help improve brain function.

Teaches discipline and time management skills

Learning an instrument takes time and effort as it won't always go perfectly when you first practice, even for the most experienced musicians! It takes self discipline to persist when working on new pieces or challenges.

It also teaches you how to organise your time efficiently, including scheduling when to practice and using that time productively.The tenacity required to stick to a routine and practice often, can transcend into other aspects of your life making you more successful personally, academically and professionally.

Increases happiness

According to Chinese philosopher Confucius "Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without." We wholeheartedly agree! Music helps us to connect with others, process emotions, express ourselves, and lift our mood.

Playing something you like and recognise is also enjoyable! At Anthem we regularly take song requests and ensure everyone gets to play something they know and love, starting from the very first lesson. The reviews of our music school consolidate the fact that learning an instrument increases happiness. One parent describes our lessons as; “the highlight of my children's week!”- Nayna Ganatra, Anthem Music School Parent.

Furthermore, overcoming musical challenges gives you a huge sense of achievement. Whether that be setting and reaching small goals in lessons or doing graded exams. Playing a difficult piece competently can really boost your confidence and seeing the audience enjoying your music can be fulfilling. Also, let's face it…. the sound of applause after a great performance does sound good!

As you can see, playing a musical instrument has many benefits. It takes commitment to play at any stage of life, but the rewards you reap will be worthwhile. Sooo… what are you waiting for?! Whatever type of instrument you're intrigued by, sign up online to learn today and notice the positive change in your life! We have all the equipment and your first lesson is free!

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